Here’s the introduction of Victor Davis Hanson’s article on the current immigration issue, and one that will have to be dealt with.
“The thousands of illegal aliens protesting this past month have essentially been telling the American people the following:
“You knew we were illegal when we came here to work in silence. But you said nothing when we were hired at your low-paying jobs. Now when you think there are too many of us, you suddenly change the rules and tell us we alone are the lawbreakers and must leave.”
In their hurt and anger, the initial televised marchers carried Mexican flags and shouted about ethnic pride. This only turned off tens of millions of American viewers, who scoffed in response, “If Mexico is so great, why come here in the first place?”
As a result, politically astute advisers to the demonstrations charted a different course. At more recent rallies, protestors have carried red, white and blue banners. And they’ve voiced a desire to become U.S. citizens.”