My First Book…

Well we did it boys! Samuel, Charles, Henry, Jesse, Swain, William Henry, Charles, Calvin, Oliver, Robert, Thaddeus and all the rest of the 1,029 soldiers who made up the 11th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment in 1861. This band of brothers who served their country and fought for the ideals they believed in, among them freedom. I have been offered a publishing contract by Mcfarland & Co. for my manuscript, “In this Land of Rebeldom: A Wisconsin Regiment’s Four Year Journey Through the Civil War.”

My journey with this regiment started when after the death of my grandmother I discovered among my family’s possessions a Civil War diary by William Henry Oettiker – my ancestor and a member of the 11th Wisconsin. Through years of research (off and on) and with the help of numerous archives, I found hundreds of letters and many diaries and soon a narrative began to emerge.

My passion for history started in college, and unfortunately after a short stint in graduate school I joined the workforce after the birth of my son. I simply could not afford to stay a student at that time. I eventually got into screenwriting and journalism, and now have come full circle and back to my passion: history.

The story of the 11th Wisconsin was one that I felt compelled to tell, and now that it will be told I cannot say how truly happy I am. It looks like a potential Fall 2007 release date. I don’t know if that will hold up, but I will keep everyone up to date here on the site.

- Chris

About admin

Travel and History blogger Twitter @JoeDuck
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11 Responses to My First Book…

  1. Congratulations, Chris. There simply is no feeling like seeing yourself in print for the first time. I enny you that.

    Please keep us posted as to your progress.


  2. admin says:

    Thanks Eric. I will! I should clarify, it’s not my “first” book but in a way it feels like it. I have written books on screenwriting. But this is on such a different level, it just means more.

  3. Drew W. says:

    Way to go! Congrats, Chris.


  4. admin says:

    Drew thank you and you will be one of the first to get a review copy I will make sure!


  5. Russell Bonds says:


    Let me add my congrats to Eric’s and Drew’s. Having just launched my first book (thanks in part to Eric), I agree with him that there’s nothing quite like seeing that hardcover on the shelf for the first time. Best of luck with your project!

    Russell Bonds

  6. How exciting! What a wonderful tribute to your ancestor. I’m envious.:)

    When you come to Atlanta for your book signing I’ll show up so I get my copy personally autographed!

  7. Drew W. says:

    I’ll certainly look forward to it! btw, I see N&S’s next issue has an article about Cache River.


  8. admin says:

    Thanks for the heads up on that Drew. When does that issue come out? I’m not a subscriber.

  9. Drew W. says:

    the current issue just came out this week so it’ll be a couple months.

  10. Brett S. says:


    Congrats from me as well. I know I don’t have the discipline, free time, and money to ever write a book of my own, so I’ll live vicariously through you and my other fellow Civil War bloggers. I look forward to picking up a copy of the book when it becomes available. By the way, what books on screenwriting have you written? I’m also pretty interested in the history of filmmaking and film.

    Brett S.

  11. Russell Oettiker says:

    When your book is published I would very much like to get a copy. W.H. Oettiker was my greatgrandfather John’s brother. What will the title be?


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