Bush lifts the ban on U.S. Offshore Oil Drilling, thank God, but unfortunately there is still a ways to go.
Congressional opposition will argue this is just a short term and minimal answer. So be it. We need all the short term and minimal answers we can get until we develop more long term (and non-fossil fuel) answers. It will take time to develop wind and nuclear, and yes, natural gas and coal liquidification solutions.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California, in a statement, called the Bush plan “a hoax” that will “neither reduce gas prices nor increase energy independence.” Which has some asking, “What The Hell Is Nancy Pelosi Talking About?”
Meanwhile, Pelosi and the rest of Congress have done little to help the average American with the rising energy costs. Remember, this is the same Pelosi who stated that Bush’s ”policies have produced $4 a gallon gasoline.”
Surprisingly, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid last week told reporters that expanded offshore drilling is not off the table, and that Democrats will take a look at whether states should be able to choose to drill off their coasts. “I’m not knee-jerk-opposed to anything,” Reid said.
Lets hope Republicans and Democrats can stop arguing, and get together and come up with both short and long term plans.