America Golden at 2008 Olympics

5081018.jpgBecause of my recent injury I have spent a lot of time at night resting and have thankfully had the 2008 Olympics (along with lots of reading) to occupy my time.

With the conclusion of the 2008 games I can honestly say that I am very proud of our athletes. I love their passion, character, sportsmanship and patriotism. Yes, PATRIOTISM!

img214544398.jpgAmerican medalist after medalist displayed such glowing appreciation for the United States and all that it has offered them, and all that they have given! Watching them, drapped in American flags taking victory laps and waving to the crowd, I’ve never been prouder of an Olympic team. All spoke with eloquence when interviewed and expressed their passion for their sport AND their country!

oly_g_james_412.jpgTears and smiles as so many young faces stood proudly while our anthem played, time and time again, with so many of them singing the words quietly to themselves. And one after another, in interview after interivew, expressed their joy and good fortune to live and be a part of this wonderful country!

Whether it was our men’s gymnastics’s team taking a surprising bronze medal or our womens 4×400 team rebounding from disaster, I was in awe of their accomplishments and their respect for country and sport.

41249_w600xh400.jpgWith issues rising daily concerning other country’s athletes and possible cheating, internal unrest, and poor sportsmanship, I was thankful that so far American athletes competed with gusto and honor.

These 2008 Summer games have instilled in me a renewed respect for our athletes who have represented us with honor, courage, and success!

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Travel and History blogger Twitter @JoeDuck
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One Response to America Golden at 2008 Olympics

  1. M Boron says:

    It is with untarnished pride that we can rejoice in the US Olympic teams and individuals. Drugs and hormones and other “enhancing” substances only diminish the person, the team, and our country. I am so proud of the athletes of the United States. They too stand proud in their integrity.

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