Yearly Archives: 2008
Memory Holes of the Pokanoket Indians
Edward Winslow (1595 – 1655) was a Pilgrim of the Mayflower and a leader of sorts. He served as the governor of Plymouth Colony in 1633, 1636, and finally in 1644. I mention him as in 1624 he published “Good … Continue reading
History to the Highest Bidder [Updated]
This irks me, no it angers me. These pirates of history who sell Civil War letters on Ebay to the highest bidder are disgusting. This is one of the few times capitalism bothers me. The private collectors horde history in … Continue reading
Should Teachers/Educators Express Political Viewpoints on their blogs?
I have to admit that for some time now, months, I have intentionally stopped posting political statements or overtly expressing my political beliefs on this blog. For several reasons I have decided to cease with political blogging: First, as in … Continue reading
Recently I have been looking through a few books that have arrived (or been on the To Be Read Stack). First, Allen C. Guelzo’s Lincoln and Douglas: The Debates that Defined America. As a simpleton high school history teacher I … Continue reading
The Last Great Battle of the Civil War, Fort Blakely and the Mobile Campaign: Part II
The assault on Fort Blakely was the last significant battle of the Civil War and that in and of itself makes it an important historical event. However, there is a subplot to the battle that perhaps takes on an even … Continue reading
“Same Old, Same Old”
I have to agree with Kevin, and though I truly respect the Civil War Interactive’s Top 50 Civil War books declaration, I feel this new list is nothing but more of the same. I understand that a huge majority of Civil … Continue reading
Book Update: The 11th Wisconsin in the Civil War: A Regimental History
[Cross posted at 11th Wisconsin Civil War Regiment blog] Well good, no great, news… after over a year since I sent the manuscript off to McFarland, The 11th Wisconsin in the Civil War: A Regimental History will be published shortly. … Continue reading
This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War
This Republic of Suffering Death and the American Civil War. By Drew Gilpin Faust. 346 pages. $27.95. Alfred A. Knopf. Americans had never endured anything like the losses they suffered between 1861 and 1865 and have experienced nothing like them … Continue reading
High School Students Name Americans “most famous”
I saw this a week or so ago and wanted to comment on it. When High school students were sked to name the most famous Americans in history, high school students put 20th-century black Americans in the top three slots. … Continue reading