Author Archives: admin
Worst Oil Spill in American History?
It took place 100 years ago and was much bigger than the current BP spill [though it still needs to be totally played out.] It is known as the “The Lakeview Gusher” and began in 1910 when an oil line … Continue reading
June 6, 1944 D-Day, Do We Even Remember When…?
I am embarrassed to admit that I myself did not even remember until today that the Anniversary of one of the most important World War 2 events had just passed. The largest amphibious landing in history and one that almost … Continue reading
Civil War Reenactors in Western Colorado!
My God, I had no idea we have reenactors out here in Colorado and that they actually do a show. It happens this Sunday I will be there! Maybe… Here’s the photo from our little newspaper:
Were the Founding Fathers Christians?
If you do a simple Google search for “founding fathers not christian” you will find a slew of blogs, publications, and whatnot that offer their take on the issue of Christianity and the Founding. These opinion pieces, such as the … Continue reading
The Search for Order: 1877-1920
Robert H. Wiebe is the professor of history at Northwestern University, and is the author of The Segmented Society and Self Rule: A Cultural History of American Democracy, and The Search for Order, 1877-1920, the focus of this short post. … Continue reading
The Failure of Public Schools?
I am a teacher at a public school and this new documentary I find interesting. I look forward to seeing this film when it opens in June, 2010:
Ira Stoll’s “Samuel Adams: A Life”
Type in “Samuel Adams” and do a search and you are just as likely to come up with links and images referring to the Beer Company Samuel Adams. As historian Ira Stoll notes, “History has not been kind to … Continue reading
To Begin the World Over Again
“We have it in our power to begin the world over again,” wrote Thomas Paine. These and other words by Paine were powerful and inspiring, but also alluring and engaging ideas that easily swayed thousands of colonists in 1776 and … Continue reading
Conservative Hypocrisy and the Impending Crisis
To be sure, there is an impending economic crisis that will be world wide in its impact. I have little doubt that the worst is yet to come. With this in mind… Republican Conservative pundits like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, … Continue reading